
Chewy ain’t no “bottom b@!#h (Youtube Trolls Reply)

Hello friend,


Welcome back to another edition of . . . Grappling With Comments From Trolls.


Today’s contributor, Good Old Bob Jim, coming to us all the way from his mom’s basement writes on YouTube. .


Lol I’m sorry but grappling is just the faggiest shiit. . . brb dry humping a guy doggystyle trying to get “full mount” . …… do you guys duct tape your erections down or what?


Safe to say if you two had to share a cell in prison Chewy would be the Bottom bitch”



Clearly Bob Jim has never watched the Chewster compete. If he had he’d know that I rarely get taken down. And usually if I end up on the bottom it’s because I pulled for the sweep and end up on top.


And as far as the “faggiest shit” I’m going to assume our friend with a challenged vocabulary means negative.


Well. . . calling grappling negative ignores that we do it naturally as kids, that a great number of bad ass people in history were accomplished grapplers and that grappling in some form has existed in every major civilization.


To be human is to grapple. 


I remember punks in high school said the same type of stuff to me when they’d try and pick on me.


That was until I doubled legged them into the ground. That put an end to that. We even got a couple of new sign ups to the team!


Anytime I see someone rag on grappling as homosexual, it tells me more about the person than of grappling.


So going back to the comment. If I was in prison I certainly wouldn’t be a “bottom bitch” because I have takedowns.


And whether you’re trying to avoid being on bottom during a Bjj roll, competition match or for your upcoming stint in the pokey.


Then check out my takedown series where I show my best fundamental takedowns along with the defenses to make sure you don’t end up as a “bottom bitch” either.


(Click here to check out the series)


Sorry. . . couldn’t resist. 😉


Seriously though. . . I always wonder what the people writing this stuff look like. I wish I could see the man or woman behind the screen name.


Oh well since I can’t, I’ll just enjoy mocking shit posting, negativity and ignorance.


Enjoy your day! Hopefully I gave you a chuckle this morning. And if you took offense to this for some reason, please unsubscribe because well. . . you’re no fun.



Prepare Yourself for BJJ Ridiculousness ( Suit Rolling 2018 )

Do you have any ridiculous traditions with your friends or family? Traditions that really don’t make sense but you do them anyway? Well, this is one of our traditions here at my BJJ gym in Louisville, KY.

It’s absolutely silly, ridiculous and a lot of fun. Despite being a little odd to look at, everyone is having a blast. And it’s something me and all of my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu students look forward to every year. Here’s how it works.

We all get old clothing we have in the closet or from a thrift store, wash it, and then we wear it during a giant rolling session. This BJJ training session turns into a clothing ripping fest.

And at the end of it, we’re left with shreds of clothing everywhere.

In this years BJJ Suit Rolling.

It was no different. I hope the video gives you a good laugh.

To traditionalists, you probably won’t like this, but to people who are a little silly, you’ll have fun with it. I’ve seen several other Brazilian Jiujitsu gyms doing this and having fun with it.

Anyways, thanks for watching!

-Chewy –

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BJJ Self Defense Shenanigans (80s Miami Vice Style)


Last night was our annual suit rolling training session at the gym. We do it once a year around Halloween and it’s one of the more ridiculous things we take part in at the gym. We train hard so it’s a nice silly break from the tough training.

One of the things that came from this year’s suit rolling was a BJJ self defense video. Well I guess it may not really be a BJJ self defense video. More like a cheesy 80s self defense video with some sweet miami vice suit style action.

For those that know me, they know I try to offset the hard training with fun and light hearted events.

Anyways, we all got a laugh from it. Check it out and if you like it and get a laugh, share it.


BJJ Self Defense (Grab and Pull)

In this video I demonstrate how to use the outside single leg from wrestling and BJJ and combine it with one of the most effective self defense techniques available. Again, this shows that even Sport BJJ techniques can be as BJJ Self Defense for unfortunate situations.

Also, keep in mind. This is a joke and all in good fun.


Why Do You Train Here?


So the other day I went around with the camera asking some of the people in the gym, “Why do you train here?”

They were not prepared and the reactions and replies were pretty funny.


Hilarious Self Defense Video : BJJ needs more self-defense like this!

Below you’ll see a self defense video that displays a system which is hands down more effective than what is currently shown in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. After watching the video and it’s creative use of both fruits and vegetables. You’ll understand why Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and it’s emphasis on taking someone down, controlling their body and being able to render them unable to fight is yesterday’s news. From now on folks, we should be biting the cucumber.

Who knew that self defense could also be a way of improving your diet.

BJJ Knife Defense


Knowing how to use your BJJ in a fight situation is very important. Having fun with your Black Belt friend after rolling is just as important. With that said, I present to you the BJJ Knife Defense video. Although if we are being honest, I stole this powerful technique from another style.