
Half Guard Pass


This is a Half Guard pass that I use against someone who is trying to get their body underneath me for one of the various types of Half Guard positions. I’d rather not have to work myself out of inferior positioning so in my eyes it’s better to stop it before it starts. Keep them away and frustrate them by denying them the position they want. The pass is sometimes a little slow so take your time.

Oh and you’ll have to excuse Adam and I. We were in a silly mood that night.

Half Guard Pull Right Into A Sweep


This is a half guard pull I’ve had a lot of success with both in training and competition. The sweep too has been really effective. I find that half guard tends to be an easier position for me to deal with larger opponents since I don’t have long legs. If you’re a half guard player or are looking to add half guard into your BJJ game, give it a try!

In the video below you can watch me use the half guard pull.


Half Guard Sweep against a wrestler with an overhook

This is a half guard sweep that I’ve used and watched my students use both in the gym and in competition. Its a great option when you have an underhook but the opponent has a tight overhook and is forcing you into the mat. I see this a lot with wrestlers who will instinctively overhook in this position.