Can You Get Promoted in BJJ if You Only Do No Gi ?

One of the questions I’ve been asked a bunch recently is whether or not you can get promoted in BJJ if you only do No Gi. This question is coming about more and more as people decide to focus more on No Gi training rather than the gi.

So in this video I share some ideas on promoting people in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu who choose to focus on No Gi training. I’ll also share how I do things at my gym and my thought process behind it. One of which is that I require gis to be worn for belt promotions.

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Finishing Collar Chokes for White Belts (Don’t Make These 2 Mistakes)

There are 2 big mistakes I see people make when they’re trying to finish their collar chokes in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. It’s something I did as a White and Blue Belt . . . to be honest, it’s something I’ve done even into the higher belt ranks. But especially at the lower ranks it was a problem.

So, in this BJJ technique video I’ll show you the simple corrections to these 2 common collar choke mistakes. By simply fixing these 2 errors you could possibly take your collar chokes that aren’t working now and making them effective during rolling.

I know this has been the case for me and my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training.

Oh and in case you watch the video and don’t understand the terms casting and reeling, I’m referencing the actions you use with a fishing pole.

Hope the video helps you with your training.



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The Reason This Brown Belt’s Armbars Suck After 15 Years of BJJ

Today’s question comes from a BJJ practitioner who’s been involved with Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for over 15 years. He asks if my game ever feels like trash. Meaning, do I have days where I feel off and even like I’m getting worse.

The 2nd part of the question concerns a basic BJJ technique that everyone knows but yet this Brown Belt struggles using during rolling.

So in the video I answer his questions and share a story of how I struggled using a very simple sweep that everyone learns early on in BJJ as a Black Belt. I also share how I improved in this weak area of my Jiu-jitsu game and how you can do the same with a simple idea on mental framing and preparation.



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1 Rule for Grip Fighting Every White Belt Should Know

Grip fighting in BJJ can be overwhelming at first. There are lots of grips and knowing which ones to fight for can be difficult. In today’s video I have a question about this exact thing from a White Belt.

He says that when he’s training Jiu-jitsu in the gi he feels lost on which grips he should be fighting for. So in this video I share a simple idea that you can implement into your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu to make grip fighting simple.

This is my personal strategy on fighting for grips and when I lay it out, you’ll probably think of it as maybe too simple. But sit back and watch some of the best guys out there and notice that they don’t grip up casually. They grip up with intention for something very specific.

Practice this and you’ll experience a much higher success rate with your techniques, and you’ll never feel lost by which grips you should go for.


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To Be Your Best in BJJ, It’s Not Always About Techniques

Today’s question comes from a Brown Belt who’s a big guy, with big arms, big chest and a big belly. His words, not mine. He’s having trouble rolling from back mount because of his stomach getting in the way. And so, he’s curious if I have any work arounds technically to deal with that.

In this video I steer away from the idea of looking at this problem technically. Because for many people I think they’d make their BJJ skill better if they focused on develop their physical fitness and living a healthier lifestyle. Along with that I share a few quick stories about students and friends I’ve had in Jiu-jitsu who made massive improvements in their BJJ abilities by focusing on improving their fitness level.

Also, if you take my advice on hiring a coach for your diet, Here’s the social media page for my nutrition coach who writes out my meals for me.

But feel free to use whomever you want.


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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

An Effective Butterfly Guard Sweep Against Tight Guard Passers

In today’s video I show 1 Butterfly Guard sweep that will address several common counters to a butterfly guard in BJJ. Namely, bodylock passes and posts with the hand or the foot.

If you’re someone that uses Butterfly Guard in Jiu-jitsu then this technique could be a great option for you. I know it’s 1 of my go to sweeps with the position because it eliminates several options for the top person can use for defense. Thanks for watching and hope the video helps!

– Chewy


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Effective Over Under Guard Pass Setup VS Butterfly Guard in BJJ

Today’s video is a short clip with 1 of my BJJ White Belts after class. He had a question about 1 of the guard passing techniques we worked on in class. So I sat down with him and went over the position and technique with him.

The passing technique is very simple. It’s basically an entry into the over under pass vs a butterfly guard. I do this a lot to off balance the bottom person and setup several of my guard passing attacks.

If over under passes are your thing or you struggle passing a butterfly guard, then I hope this technique is useful to you.

Hope the video helps.



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Story of 2 College Wrestlers in my Gym (Why Only 1 Got His Blue Belt in BJJ)

In today’s video I share some ideas on how I do belt promotions at my BJJ gym. To illustrate the answer for the person asking the question I share a story about 2 college wrestlers who trained at my gym. 1 got his Blue Belt while the other didn’t. There’s a lot of factors that led to this. But 1 in particular was the reason for withholding the promotion from 1 and then giving it to the other.

Keep in mind, at the time, both people were able to hang with a Black Belt in top positions.

Hope the idea is useful to you.

Chat with you next time.



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Hunt Submission in BJJ Like a Big Cat in The Wild

In BJJ everyone wants to be more offensive and hit more submissions. It’s fun! In Brazilian Jiu-jitsu nothing feels quite as good as a well-timed submission. And so today’s question comes from a White Belt who said he’s defense is good but wants to turn up the offense now.

So in this video I’ll share 2 things. #1 I’ll share something that will destroy your ability to be offensive on the mats against similarly skilled opponents. #2 is a simple idea to eliminate this problem and how to become laser focused on your offensive techniques and submissions.

Now, I won’t lie to you. The idea is super simple. But it’s effective. It’s something I still do to this day. And when I think of all my best students and friends in grappling, they do the same thing.

So anyways. . . Hope the video gives you some useful ideas to assist you with your training.



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Finish More Subs in Front Headlock with This 3 Choke Attack Sequence

In today’s technique video I’ll teach you 3 brutal chokes from the front headlock position in BJJ. I say brutal because they’re tough chokes. For instance, a rear naked choke in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a pretty smooth choke when done with good depth, all things considered.

But in the case of a Darce, Anaconda and the Arm-in Guillotine. . . there’s are a lot of “suck” to them. The Darce in particular hurts even when it’s done perfectly.

What’s cool about this video is the tecnique is shown as a sequence where if 1 fails you just move to another. This is a quality you’d like to have for pretty much any position you try to get especially skilled with in BJJ. So hopefully the video will give you some useful ideas on how to make this happen.

Anyways, hope the technique video gives you some useful ideas for your training. Happy submission hunting my friends.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.