How To Handle Anxiety Before BJJ Matches & MMA Fights

Do you get nervous before competitions? Do you feel like the nervousness negatively affects your performance? If so, then hopefully this video will help you.

I answer a question from a young guy who says he lost his match because of his nerves and wants a way to overcome them.

In the video I share some ideas on the subject and give some useful ideas of how to convert the anxiety before matches into something useful we can use to make us better when we compete.

Hope you enjoy the video, thanks for watching.



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7 Butterfly Guard Sweeps to Build an Effective Sweeping Game

Today’s video is set of 7 Butterfly Guard sweeps we’ve been drilling in my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu classes (as of the time of posting this).

They’re very basic techniques. But I’ve found if you combine them together seamlessly, they’re difficult to stop. There are variations of how each move is used but these are some of mine. Hopefully they’re helpful to you with your BJJ training and drilling ideas.

In the video you’ll see . . .

– Over Under Sweep

– Double Overhook Sweep

– Coming Up To 1 Knee to Force the Person To Engage

– Failes Over Under to Double Over

– Coming Up for an Ankle Pick

– Armdrag to Back Mount

– Using a Straight Armlock as a Sweep

Thanks for watching the video!

-Chewy —————–

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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

How I Help my BJJ Students Learn Techniques Faster

In today’s video I answer a question about the traditional BJJ class of warm ups, getting a few reps in and then rolling and the efficiency of this style of training.

In the video I share why I think the old way of doing BJJ classes where you warm up, do a few reps then just roll isn’t efficient training.

And in today’s video instead of just talking about it I show some of my class to get you an idea of the training. In this particular class we were focused on Butterfly Guard sweeps and connecting them with some escapes to make a constant repeating drill. This was followed up with situational rolling and then eventually full rolling.

Hope the idea is helpful to you.



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Easy Mount Transition from Side Control by Attacking the Armlock 1st

In today’s video I share an idea on transitioning to mount from side control as you’re attacking with a Kimura. This was one of my favorite transitions as a BJJ White Belt and I’ve continued to use it well into my Black Belt phase of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

If you’ve watched the videos on the channel, then you know I’m a kimura person through and through.

Now, even if you don’t like this particular transition, no worries. You can use the ideas I talk about in the video and tailor them to your game. The big idea here is to focus on having the next technique or move in your game ready to go.

Hope the video helps you and your BJJ training.



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How Martial Arts Helps You Build Confidence with ACTION, not thinking

Martial arts are excellent for building confidence. Obviously most of my followers are Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioners. But I know I have others that aren’t. But either way, most martial arts involve certain things that builds confidence in a person.

In this video I answer a question from a guy who’s trained Krav Maga for a number of years and is now shifting into BJJ training.

His question to me is about my ideas on competing and how I say you need confidence, but at the same time you cannot set expectations.

So in the video I’ll explain these ideas, which might seem opposed (but they aren’t) and give you some ideas on confidence and why martial arts are so effective at building it in a person.

Hope you enjoyed the video.



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If You Use Kimuras from Side Control, You Gotta Try This Choke

Join me in Costa Rica:

Today’s Brazilian Jiu-jitsu submission technique video was filmed while I was down in Costa Rica. You’ll hear the faint hum of the fan in the background as it stays at a toasty temperature there year round.

In the video I show a punch choke from a side control position that connects directly together with the Kimura and Armlock sequences I was showing during the BJJ camp.

Anytime I have an arm attack I always like to find a way to connect it with a choke as well since the way you defend the two is usually very different. Enjoy the BJJ technique. I hope it helps.



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Training BJJ This Way Helps Me Avoid Injuries & Win More Competitions

In today’s BJJ Q&A video I answer a question from a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioner who’s been called “Too Soft” by his coach. Now, Jacob, says that even though his coach says this he’s still won numerous tournaments and does well in the BJJ gym during training.

And so he was curious about my thoughts on the idea.

Now in the video I explain the style of rolling Jacob uses. And I also share why I think it’s a great idea! In fact, it’s very similar to my style of rolling at this point in my life which is I don’t like to get into gym wars every single day.

But I also share an idea bout what it would be like if Jacob was too soft during rolling.

Hopefully the video is useful to you if you’re experiencing something similar.



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Is a Brown Belt in Judo a Sandbagging BJJ White Belt ?

Today’s video comes from a 6 month BJJ White Belt who’s also a Judo Brown Belt. He’s loving his beginning in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and has plenty to work on with the ground game.

He recently had an experience where he was called a sandbagger by someone at another gym during an open mat. I’ll get into details about it in the video.

But his main question is about whether or not he should divulge details about his previous Judo experience to people in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu when he travels to other schools. He’s been reluctant to do this because he doesn’t want to come across as cocky or that he’s some Judo phenom.

In the video I’ll share 2 examples of students I’ve had who were White Belts in BJJ but had extensive background in Wrestling and Judo and how things went.

Thanks for watching the video.


P.S Here’s the video I mentioned earlier about the Black Belt dressed as a White Belt prank:


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This Technique Might Be Killing Your Half Guard (Here’s 2 Counters)

Every position in BJJ has weaknesses and strengths. Also, some techniques work very well against certain positions. The back step for instance is a great technique versus a half guard. And this is the focus of today’s BJJ technique video.

The question comes from one of the viewers who’s half guard is getting destroyed by people back stepping on him. So, in the video I’ll show you 2 options you can use in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu to counter the backstep.

Both are simple and have either been used by me. . . or against me. . . in competition.

The first one is probably the simplest of the 2. But with each one, it requires a certain timing to be effective. This is why I bring focus to the physical queue you should look for when executing the technique.

Hope the video helps if you’re a half guard player.



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How To Use Lockdown to Escape a Tight Half Guard Smasher in BJJ

If you’ve played Half Guard long enough then I’m sure you’ve experienced the situation where you get smashed by the person on top squeezing you. It happens to all of us.

Well, in today’s BJJ technique video I’m going to show you how to escape a tight half guard position and get unstuck by using the Lockdown position (most commonly known from 10th Planet) to get the person off balance.

I’m also sharing this position in part because I know a lot of beginners in BJJ (White and Blue Belts) find themselves in this position naturally and don’t know how to use it.

Hopefully the off-balancing technique is useful to you and helps you be more effective from Half Guard with your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

Thanks for watching the video.


P.S if you’re into lockdown or 10th Planet stuff check out my buddy BMac’s channel:


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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.