3 BJJ Books For Anyone (Beginners or Advanced)

I did a post previously on my favorite BJJ books (you can check out the previous post HERE). Then recently I made a short video about 3 BJJ books thats I think would be great for beginners, and really any level. It’s similar to the post but I talk about a few extras.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu books are a great supplement to training. They give you a chance to stay mentally engaged with training even when you’re not there. Which may or may not be a good thing depending on how your significant other takes to all this training stuff.  I’ll also say that I’ve personally used them a lot over the years.

I did this video because many of my newer students ask which BJJ books I like and which ones I would recommend to them. There are so many good BJJ books out there and I certainly don’t have them all. But the 3 I listed in this video I think contain evergreen content. Meaning that they are always solid information. They’re also three that I used a ton over the years. I have many other books that I didn’t list.

Along with telling you about the books in the video, I also focus on what I got from the BJJ books personally. I think this is more important than just reviewing the books themselves. Knowledge and information is great. But its the implementation of that knowledge which is important. So in the video I try to share a few details about how I used the information in these books.

If you have used one of the BJJ books in the video and got something out of it. Leave a comment and tell me your thoughts on it. I like hearing how other people interpreted the same information as I did.

If you have used some other BJJ books that you got a lot out of, leave a comment and tell me which ones worked the best for you.

Hope the video helps!


Also, check out my Instagram for daily drills and techniques.

