How My Knees Feel for BJJ after Meniscus Surgery 20 Years Ago

What do my knees feel for BJJ training nearly 20 years after my 1st meniscus tear surgery in 2004? Well, that’s the question I’ll answer in today’s video.

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about this from Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioners who are either getting ready to have surgery on their meniscus tear or just recovering. So, in today’s video I’ll share how things are feeling from both of the surgeries on my knee (1 in 2004, 1 in 2014) and I’ll also share what I do that seems to help alleviate pain and keep my joints feeling healthy.

Just for the record. Both of my tears were treated with removal and not a repair.

Hope the video helps if you’re struggling with this sort of thing or if you have a surgery coming up and wondering how it will affect your training.



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My Friend Got in Trouble for Training with Marcelo Garcia

In today’s video I answer a question from a young guy who’s had a run in with an insecure BJJ coach.

Here’s the deal. While on vacation with family he decided to do what many of us do. . . find a place to train. He said he had a great experience at the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gym he visited and didn’t think anything of it.

That is, until he got a nasty message from his coach on social media who was angry he trained somewhere else.

With that, Miguel wanted to know what my advice would be on how to deal with this situation. So in the video I share some experiences I had in the past that were similar as well as a friend of mines and try to give him a few useful perspectives to chew on.

If you’re in a similar situation, then I hope it helps.



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Comparing Yourself to Others in BJJ? (How to Do it The Right Way)

Comparison is the thief of joy, right? Well, possibly. Comparison can also be an incredibly helpful. It just depends on what you’re comparing. And in this video I get into this idea to answer a question from James who says he’s struggling with comparing his BJJ journey to other people’s. He says he knows he shouldn’t do it, but he does it anyway and it’s negatively affecting him.

So in the video I’ll share more about some of the better things to compare that could be useful to you in BJJ and in other area of your life. Hope the video is useful to you!



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Black Belt Ready to Leave His Gym After Beating His BJJ Coach

Today’s Q&A comes from a BJJ Black Belt who feels homeless. Basically, he’s involved in a business partnership with his coach and is starting to surpass him during rolling. This would normally be seen as a good thing. A job well done by the coach. But our friend, Bob, says that it’s creating a toxic environment.

He says that because of this he has a place to train, but it doesn’t feel like home.

So, in this video I gives some ideas to chew on for possibly mending the relationship and keeping things together.



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How to Improve Your Speaking & Teaching Ability as a Coach in BJJ or MMA

In today’s video I answer a question from Raymond who is beconing a new MMA coach at his gym. He’s been a student there and is now becoming a coach on some level. His question to me today is about how to get better at speaking and his ability to coach since he’s a bit nervous.

So in the video I discuss some ideas that could help someone become a better teacher/coach whether they’re new or not. These are the same tips that helped me as someone who felt unsure of themself early on as a coach and who used to have a stutter in my late teens. These tips are for Ray who’s going to be an MMA coach. But you could use these tips for teaching in general.

If you’re a new coach in any capacity then I hope the tips help you.



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Newbie Tips to Cut Weight for BJJ Comps & Not Kill Yourself in the Process

This is a basic overview for anyone whos trying to drop to a lower weight class or just lose weight and wants to do so without killing themselves in the process.

I say this, because a lot of people in BJJ literally destroy themselves trying to cut weight for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competitions. And in most cases it isn’t necessary and there is a better way to do things.

So in the video I share some of the simplest weight cutting tips that you can implement to lose weight slowly and intelligently. To lose weight without losing tons of muscle and without destroying your training and performance.

Hope the video is useful!

Oh and if you want to see my diet click the link below. This is pretty much my diet all the time. I simply eat varying amounts of food depending on my goals at the time.

Also, if you want to hire someone to write out your diet for you and be a remote coach to keep you accountable. I can’t recommend my buddy Eli enough. He’s been one of my coaches for the last 2 years and hiring him was one of the best decisions for my performance, health and physical appearance.

Talk to you next time.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

Purple Belt is Training Harder Than Ever but Not Improving

Today’s question is about not improving in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu even when you’re training harder than ever. This is the basic situation going on for John who’s hit a plateau in his BJJ progress. Now he says he’s training even harder than he used to in order to break out of the plateau, but he’s still stuck.

So, in the video I’ll share why I ditch rolling harder or training harder when I’m trying to break out of a BJJ plateau. Now, keep in mind I’m still training hard. I love training hard. But sometimes going even harder isn’t the best route. Keep in mind that the process I talk about in this video is mine. It might work for you, it might not. I also give some examples of what this process looks like in training during situational rolling or full rolling.

I also share a book that I enjoyed in the video. If you’d like to check it out, look at the link below.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the video. Talk with you next time.



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Is This a Sign of a Money-Hungry BJJ Coach?

In today’s video I reply to a comment from one of my recent videos where a viewer said that “BJJ coaches hold back students to maximize profits.” I’m paraphrasing a bit there, but the idea is accurate.

So, I share my thoughts on this idea as to whether or not BJJ coaches, or martial arts gyms in general, hold their students back to maximize profits or if there is something else going on.

After watching the video you’re welcome to contribute to the comments with your own thoughts and ideas about the subject in BJJ and martial arts gyms.

Thanks for watching.



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You Can Train the Sport of BJJ and Still Be Effective for a Fight

Is it ok to use more painful and gritty techniques in BJJ? This is today’s question a young guy in the military who trains BJJ and wants to make sure his grappling is effective for a fighting situation due to the nature of his current career.

In this video, I discuss the idea of using rough and more painful techniques and also how to train the sport of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu but keep it useable for a fight situation.

Hope the video gives you some useful ideas to chew on.

Thanks for watching the video.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

3 Tips for a Burnt-Out Black Belt BJJ Coach to Regain Motivation

In today’s video I answer a question from a BJJ Black Belt coach who feels like he’s burnt out with teaching.

His question is how I stay motivated even after I’ve been doing it as long as I have. So in today’s video I share my mindset and how I stay motivated to teach BJJ, run a gym and some ideas for any BJJ coach who might be in the same boat.

Hopefully this is helpful to you if you’re in a similar situation.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.