Purple Belt is Training Harder Than Ever but Not Improving

Today’s question is about not improving in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu even when you’re training harder than ever. This is the basic situation going on for John who’s hit a plateau in his BJJ progress. Now he says he’s training even harder than he used to in order to break out of the plateau, but he’s still stuck.

So, in the video I’ll share why I ditch rolling harder or training harder when I’m trying to break out of a BJJ plateau. Now, keep in mind I’m still training hard. I love training hard. But sometimes going even harder isn’t the best route. Keep in mind that the process I talk about in this video is mine. It might work for you, it might not. I also give some examples of what this process looks like in training during situational rolling or full rolling.

I also share a book that I enjoyed in the video. If you’d like to check it out, look at the link below. https://amzn.to/3Mqsa3h

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the video. Talk with you next time.



Free Ebook: https://www.chewjitsu.net/focused-jiu-…

Video Courses and Products: https://www.chewjitsu.net/products

T shirts: https://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/




Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.