How To Counter the Single Leg & Take the Back in BJJ

If you’d like to learn more takedowns and defenses specifically for BJJ, then check the link below.

Recently I was filming a special single leg section for my Wrestling for BJJ series with my student Brandon (a 3X NAIA champion). During the filming he showed several techniques from wrestling that had some super cool applications to BJJ.

So in today’s video I have Brandon teach a slick Single Leg takedown counter to Back Mount. This is a counter he used in wrestling to pin someone. But when he showed it to me I instantly saw the usefulness of it for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and getting to the back.

So if you’re looking for a single leg defense that can help you take the back. Then enjoy today’s video.

Hopefully the technique gets your gears turning for your next training session.


Check Brandon’s channel out using the link below.

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If you struggle passing Half Guard then today’s video is for you. In today’s BJJ technique video I’m going to give you a simple strategy to chew on. It’s simple, but effective. I’ve been using this strategy ever since I was a BJJ White Belt and have used it effectively even as a Black Belt.

The key to making this work (as I’ll show you in the video) is to set up multiple threats starting with the armlock. This could be a keylock, kimura, straight armlock, whatever you’re best with.

What happens is the person will be forced to focus on the submission threat which then diverts attention away from retaining the Half Guard position.

If you don’t already do this, you should. It’s been one of my most effective ways to pass guard and it’s something you’ll see a lot of people doing in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

Hope the video helps.



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rolling with coach

Common BJJ White Belt Mistake when Rolling with Coaches

In today’s video I answer a question from Asa (a BJJ White Belt) who’s struggling to roll with his Black Belt coach.

In the video I’ll explain the mistake he’s making when he’s rolling with his coach. It’s a mistake I believe we’ve all made at some point or another. And this mistake is trying to impress our coaches by rolling really well or trying to impress them. I’ll explain why this is a mistake in the video.

And if you’re a White Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu I hope this video makes sense and helps you with your training if you ever roll with your coach.



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How To Finish More Chokes in BJJ with this Unconventional Back Mount

In today’s video we’re going to break a few rules and get more submissions from Back Mount in BJJ. This video was inspired by watching UFC fighter Joe Solecki in his Fury Pro Grappling match against Donald Cerrone.

In the match he opted for 2 choking arms to secure the submission. This is 1 of my favorite ways to play Back Mount in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

Now I said it breaks some rules because some people will say you always have to have an underhand for control. But I’ve had so many experiences where the double choking arm style has been way more successful for me.

Check it out and I hope it helps you with your BJJ training or competitions.



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Private Lessons VS Group Classes in BJJ (Which is Better for Skill Growth?)

Are private lessons or group classes better for BJJ training? This is the basic question I’ll chat with you about in today’s video.

The question comes from Marc who asked me if I was faced with a scenario where I could only choose 1, either group classes or only private lessons, which one would I choose.

And in the video, I’ll explain my choice and what I think of group classes vs private lessons in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Thanks for watching.



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If You Struggle Breaking Closed Guard as White Belt, Then Watch This Video

A really difficult technique for many new White Belts in BJJ is breaking the closed guard. Many times when they try they get knocked off balance, have their grips disrupted or get swept in the process.

Now I honestly prefer a standing guard break to open the legs in full guard. But for a lot of people early on the lower guard breaks will be easier to use. Kind of like standing guard passes. I tend to find lower, tight, guard passes are easier for newcomers whereas standing guard passes take a bit more time to develop.

In today’s video I’m going to show you some common mistakes to avoid when breaking the guard using the low staggered hand position. This video is mostly for White Belts in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu but I’ll be honest with you. Some of the details I share in this video I didn’t learn until I had been training for many years.

So I hope this helps!



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Cheeky Armlock from Full Guard for a British BJJ Blue Belt

Recently I got asked to do a video showing a “cheeky” submission. Obviously, this request came from one of our British friends who’s a Blue Belt in Jiu-jitsu.

So in today’s BJJ technique video I’ll show you a simple “cheeky” submission that you could use in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training the next time you’re rolling. It’s a super simple armlock that you can hit when you’re inside someone’s full guard.

Now this is 1 technique out of a group that I sort of classify as funny 1 shot techniques. Meaning they’ll probably work 1 time and that’s about it. If you’ve been doing BJJ for long enough. You’ve probably had some situations where someone has caught you in some weird technique and then you never fell for it again.

This is one of those techniques. Nonetheless, happy hunting for the technique the next time you’re rolling with a friend and want to throw mess around a bit.



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full mount knee cut

Can’t Finish the Knee Cut Pass in BJJ? Switch to this Pressure Pass Instead

In today’s video you’ll get to watch a clip from one of my BJJ classes where I teach a guard passing technique I like using more than the cut through pass. The pass connects with the knee cut / cut through pass as you’ll see in the video.

Now the reason why I like this pass better in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is that the cut through usually doesn’t feel great on my knees. When someone holds onto the ankle if I try to finish the knee cut pass it seems to tweak my knee. So if I go for the cut through pass and it doesn’t work I’ll switch off to this pressure pass instead.

Hope the technique gives you some ideas for your next BJJ training session.



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This Destructive Mindset Will Hold You Back in BJJ & Pretty Much Everything

In today’s video I answer a question I get from a lot of wrestlers in BJJ. And in the video I’ll share an idea that I think will help any former wrestler getting in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. But I also think it’s an important idea for ANYONE getting into BJJ that’s been good in another sport before.
The idea comes from the works of Joseph Campbell who’s work I absolutely love.
Check out his work if you haven’t before. Hope you enjoyed the video.

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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
armlockin chewy

Versatile BJJ Armlock to Counter Opponents Who Crowd Your Full Guard

Today’s BJJ technique video is from one of my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu classes where I showed one of my favorite setups and armlocks from Full Guard / Closed Guard.

The focus of the setup is to get the person’s hand on the mat or on the outside of your body which will allow you to snag the arm and get a catch on the shoulder. From there I show a straight armlock and then transition to corkscrew armbar.
And even if you don’t like the techniques shown you can still use the setup for lots of submissions and attacks from full guard.
Hope the video gives you a useful idea to bring into your next training session. And hopefully it helps you secure an extra arm lock or two.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.