BJJ In Costa Rica This Week

BJJ In Costa Rica This Week

IMG_0304I’ll be doing BJJ in Costa Rica this coming week. I’m currently sitting in the Atlanta airport waiting for my flight to Costa Rica. I left Louisville and it’s frosty 16 degree temperature this morning around 6am. I’ll be in the toasty climate of Costa Rica (which is currently at 79 degrees) before 1pm. Maybe I read too much history but technology is nuts! I can travel from the central United States and then arrive in Central America just in time for lunch.

One of my student’s, and Pan Am champ (might as well throw that out there right?), put this thing together and I’m looking forward to it. Essentially we will do BJJ in Costa Rica and surf. A vacation of sorts, but with plenty of activity for my hyper over-energetic body.

I have intentions of doing a short blog of vlog each day talking about whats going on during the trip.

Well, the flight is boarding. Talk to you next time in Costa Rica.
