4 BJJ Leg Lock Drills (Continuous Movement For Both People )

4 BJJ Leg Lock Drills (Continuous Movement For Both People )

In this video I show 4 BJJ leg lock drills you can use to help build better movement in leg lock positions. The drills are continuous. Meaning they don’t stop. This is a great way to drill to develop faster movement and get a good work out at the same time.

If you’re like me. I get bored doing slow drilling. But having constant movement allows me to keep the movement going and keeps my attention. This type of BJJ drilling also gives me a solid workout.

During the filming of this video Rich and I did a total of about 12 drills lasting about an hour and a half. We were exhausted afterwards because there was never any stop to the movement. If you look closely during some of the drills, you’ll see little sweat marks. This is stuff we were actually drilling and something we get a good workout from. And we’re Brown and Black Belts.

In this series of BJJ leg lock drills the focus is on the straight ankle lock, outside heel hook and kneebar.

The movements are simple but transfer well over to other positions.

I hope you like the 4 bjj leg lock drills in this video. I’ll have more coming up in the future!

If you have any questions, let me know!





Snapchat: Chewjitsu