BJJ Schools Training

Are BJJ Schools are Doing it Wrong ? (Ben Askren Comments)

Are BJJ schools are doing it wrong ? Recently I received this question on Youtube from one of the viewers regarding an interview from the Joe Rogan podcast where Ben Askren commented about how BJJ gyms are not training in the most effective way possible.

Here is the snippet from the Joe Rogan Podcast with Ben Askren

Here’s the full length interview

Lack of Deliberate Training in BJJ Gyms

During the interview he criticized Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training and BJJ schools where very little focused was placed on deliberate training or situational rolling.

Instead Bjj classes often start with just a few slowly practiced techniques. Followed up with rolling from whatever position. And in many cases the practitioners in the class never get a chance to even use the techniques that they were working on.

The 2nd question was about the necessity of BJJ Belts. Is our belt ranking system necessary?

BJJ Schools Training and Necessity of BJJ Belts

In this video I answer both questions based on my experiences and touch on how I think a lot of gyms don’t practice as best as they could. Meaning, the implementation of various forms of rolling to get more experience from positions or with techniques that are being practiced.

Now it doesn’t make it wrong or right! It’s just different. I also touch on why I think full open rolling is both useful and necessary for practitioners who are doing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for fun.

I also go over my thoughts on Brazilian Jiujitsu belts and the motivation that comes from them.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the video!
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