Deadlift for bjj

Great Deadlift for BJJ (This Variation is Easier on Lower Back)

Are you interested in strength training and lifting weights for BJJ? Awesome, then keep reading.

I had talked about doing some strength training. And so I figured it was about time to start doing some weight training for BJJ videos. And we’ll start off with the Deadlift!


In this video I share one of the deadlift variations I really like. It’s the Hex Bar Deadlift sometimes called a Trap Bar Deadlift.


There are a few reasons I like this weight lifting exercises for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu players.

1. It’s a great lift for the whole body!


2. This variation less technical skill than a squat or conventional deadlift. (great for new lifters)


3. This exercise is easier on the lower back than the conventional version.


4. Helps facilitate good hip extension which is an area BJJ practitioners lack.


5. It’s also a very natural movement. Many BJJ practitioners suffer from muscular imbalances and have trouble squatting and deadlifting with good form. Because of the natural movement of the Hex Bar Deadlift. It’s a great option in an easier movement pattern.

I Love This Deadlift for BJJ

I’ve personally grown to love this lift. Years ago, I wasn’t really a fan. But as I began to play around with it. I noticed the utility for me as a Brazilian Jiujitsu practitioner.

Mainly, I could hit my legs and work my lower body without the fatigue that would often be caused by squats or traditional deadlifts.

I also noticed that these feel much more comfortable and I recover a bit faster from them.

If you’re looking for a good exercise to boost your BJJ. It’s a smart idea to strengthen the lower body. And this is a great exercise to work into the mix.

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