45 Year Old BJJ Brown Belt & Strength Coach Talks Lifting & Longevity

To check out Ethan:



Do you have trouble of balancing BJJ with weight training or maybe you’d like some information about lifting weights in relation to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. This is a little different than the normal technique or Chewy Ramble video.

Although, I think it can be really helpful to those of you who are new to Brazilian Jiujitsu and weight training.

The video came about because of a conversation Ethan and I had at the pool when we talked a bit about weight training. And as someone who talks about lifting weights all the time.

Naturally, I get a lot of questions about BJJ related training.


And Ethan, who I jokingly call a meathead (I mean that in the most endearing way possible), has a lot of information about lifting weights, doing BJJ (he’s a brown belt) and being over the age of 40.

So, enjoy the talk and I hope you get a few helpful nuggets of information from it!

-Chewy –

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1 reply
  1. Angel Rodriguez
    Angel Rodriguez says:

    Guys, I just turned 42 and get this… I’m a BJJ white belt, I started training 13 years ago, and then took a 12 year rest day from all training. Even as I type this my wrist is killing me from doing overhead military presses yesterday. My hips hurt from doing cardio on that butt gliding machine which I moved to because my achilles tendon hurt from running and the elliptical! Getting old sucks ass y’all! I appreciate this video as well as the “old man grappling” guys you put me on. Peace brothers!

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