Aggression in bjj

Do You Lack Aggression In BJJ Or Have Too Much?

Do you think you lack aggression in BJJ or do you think you have too much?


I ask this question because I get a lot of questions from people on both sides of the question. Some people who say they don’t know how to “turn it on” while others say they can’t “turn it off.”

And while there isn’t only 1 reason why this might be. I believe these questions stem in part from the fact that in today’s society the warrior in us is shamed and seen as bad. As far back as kids we’re told to “use our words” and adults try to stamp out any aggression in us instead of showing how it can be used in a healthy way.

Then as we get older if a man shows any aggression towards anything he’s a toxic asshole. If a woman does it, she’s a bitch. 

The problem with extinguishing this aggressive energy is that we all have a warrior inside of us and sometimes we need it to protect us or stand up for ourselves. But if we don’t learn to access it in a healthy way it either gets snuffed out completely (think push over) or bursts out in the absolute wrong places (think road rage). 

BJJ And Combat Sports Allow You To “Turn It On”

This is one of the most powerful things Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, and combat sports, offers. Practicing gives you a chance to tap into your warrior energy, your aggressive side, in a healthy contained environment and learn how to use it consciously and bring it under your control. 


For example, like in my most recent video that I just uploaded today you’ll notice that my aggression is low. (You can watch the video here)


Contrast this by watching how I compete in BJJ tournaments where I attack my opponent with my full intensity and focus. Yet, as soon as the match is over, I’m done, I turn it off. Because I’m in control of the energy it’s not in control of me. 


When I was younger this wasn’t the case. I had high levels of aggression with not outlet for it and no means to control it. I had a temper, would jump into fits of anger and could not “turn it off” quickly like I can now.

Accepting And Controlling The Warrior In You

If you lack aggression, you might find that BJJ will slowly help you turn it on by accepting that the warrior in you is normal and not something to feel ashamed of or bottle up. You’ll also have a healthy place to experiment with it.  


On the flip side if you’re too aggressive you’ll learn that an intelligent warrior who has purpose does not swing their weapon wildly with full force at everything in front of them. When we train or compete we will be bombarded with a myriad of emotions and feelings like fear, self-doubt, anger, frustration, etc.  Some of these can lead to aggression, and if you’re like I was when I was younger (too aggressive), BJJ will give you a chance to become aware of the feelings and begin to have some control over them. 

Hope this helps with anyone who has a question about aggression in BJJ.

Talk to you next time.


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1 reply
  1. Andrew
    Andrew says:

    As a heavy weight I have to control my aggression when rolling with lighter weights and everyone seems to be lighter.

    I have to accept the explosiveness and flexibility of lighter weights. I can’t just launch into an attack with my full weight or I will injure them.

    But this has learned me control and to attack in combinations but it would be nice to just jump on a submission sometimes…….

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