Chewjitsu diet

What’s in Chewy’s grocery cart? (video included)

Happy New Years! Welcome to 2020.


So there is a mindset shift you’re going to have to make if you want to do BJJ successfully and really get the most out of it.


And I think it’s illustrated through a good answer I gave to someone on Instagram. Attached above is the question I received on Instagram from a young woman who always feels beat up after training.


I responded to this message asking her about how much sleep she gets and how much she eats.


Her response back was “7/8 hours of sleep and I don’t have a particular eating schedule. It’s more snacking than actually eating throughout the day.”


Now I’ll get into the answer I shared with her and hopefully this is useful for you too. 


A lot of people get into BJJ and just consider themselves some average guy or gal working out a little. In reality I would ask you to double leg that mindset to the side because BJJ is high performance stuff. And you don’t treat a high performance vehicle like garbage.


Instead I’ll ask you to clinch with the idea of yourself as an athlete. 


And let that mindset guide your decisions.


Does an athlete eat donuts for breakfast, skip meals, drink alcohol every night and sleep 3 hours a night? I mean who knows. . . but probably not right?


Now there is a natural hardening process that takes place in BJJ early on where your body acclimates to the bumps and roughness. But I’ve literally seen people rave about how much better their body feels just from sleeping more, cutting out junk food, eating more food (in some cases) and treating their body like an athlete. Not just an average person.


If you’re curious about what I eat here’s a video that goes into some of my grocery shopping. I’m currently eating even more than this right now (trying to bulk up) but it will give you some ideas.


Click here to see my grocery/meal prep video.


Talk to you tomorrow.
