Old Fashioned Guy Uncomfortable Rolling with Women in BJJ

In Brazilian Jiu-jitsu we are often in close proximity of our training partners in a way that simply doesn’t happen often in our regular day to day lives. And this is even more true when we talk about a woman rolling with a man.


In this video I answer a question from Rod who is struggling to roll with the idea of rolling with women because of his old fashioned upbringing. He says he has no problem with women training, he’s just been conditioned not to be physical with them.


And as a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu coach of over 10 years I’ve had many men and women tell me of discomfort they have (at least initially) with rolling with with the opposite sex. For women the closeness is often very foreign to them or sometimes there is even trauma associated with being that close to a guy. And for men in some cases it can be a upbringing that doesn’t allow them to be physical with women or in some cases religious reasons


There are a ton of other reasons too. But during the video I give Rod some ideas to chew on about his situation that I hope might be helpful. I also share the hidden benefit of rolling with women who are often smaller than men and force them to slow down their rolling.


And if you’re in a similar place then I hope the video is useful to you as well.


Thanks for watching!


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