
Caffeine Was Destroying Their Cardio During Rolling

In today’s Q&A video I talk about using caffeine before competition matches. The question comes from our friend Joe who is getting ready for his 1st competition and wants to know if it’s a good idea.

First off, I preface this video with the fact that I’m a little more sensitive to caffeine than the average person. That said, I tend to steer people away from excess amounts of caffeine and towards lower amount. In my experience and that of my students I’ve seen it more beneficial to go low on the caffeine before hard rolling or competitions.

Especially for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competitions where you’re already hyped up I tend to find too much caffeine is a negative thing.

Caffeine in low doses can also be helpful post workout to up speed up uptake of nutrients for recovery.

I also share what I use instead of big dumps of caffeine for energy at competitions.

So if you have any questions regarding caffeine before Brazilian Jiujitsu competitions or even training then I hope this video is useful for you.

Thanks for watching.

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville, KY.

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