Sacrifice Throw

My Modified Sacrifice Throw Saved Me At The Last Minute (No Gi BJJ Match In 2013)

This match is from way back in 2013 at a time when I was still a young Black Belt. When watching the match you’ll see I struggled a ton early on to get my game going against a tough opponent.

This competition was at a team based competition in 2013 for the AGC. You’ll see in the match my opponent was a fellow Black belt and super quick Wrestler. He was able to score on me right out of the gate and dominate position for much of the match. Luckily I changed some things in my focus through the match that helped me secure the win. My sacrifice throw / butterfly guard pull that I used saved me in this one. And at the end of the match I was exhausted.

At the end if you listen closely you’ll hear me say “why does it take me 5 minutes to get my game going” and this was because I used to be a slow starter. This is in complete contrast to now where I typically start matches off very fast and aggressive.

You’ll also hear my training partners scream for submission. This is because we were doing a team tournament where submission wins were 3 points and point wins were 1 point for the team. So we really wanted the submission.

If you’d like to see more matches like this one with along with narrated breakdowns check out my Chewjitsu Vault at:

This is where I focus on all sort of deeper techniques and lessons related to BJJ.

Hope you enjoyed the video!
Thanks for watching.


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