BJJ at home

How to Setup a 1 Hour BJJ Training Session from Home / Open Mat

Can you train yourself effectively in BJJ from home or with open mats?

While I am always a proponent for training with a teacher, someone who has more knowledge than you do, it can still be beneficial to supplement your BJJ training with work from home or with a partner during an open mat.

Our friend Mike from the U.K said that he and his friend who is a fellow Brazilian Jiu-jitsu practitioner are only able to make the gym 1-2 days a week max.

So because of this he was wondering if there would be a benefit to doing some Brazilian Jiujitsu training from home with his buddy, and if there are any tips I could give.

In this video I outline a basic 1 hour (active time) BJJ drilling and training session. Focused on specific areas with BJJ techniques that someone already knows. It starts with drilling then situational rolling.

I also add in one of the most common mistakes I see people make when they come into the gym or get together for a drilling session at home. The mistake I talk about will eat away at the potential time for good purposeful work.

So if you’re planning on drilling or training from home. I hope this video is useful to you!

If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville, KY.

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1 reply
  1. Adam
    Adam says:

    Nice outline for a session, having a plan and staying focused is definitely key to getting the most out of home training.

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