This Happens to Every White Belt when Rolling with Coaches in BJJ

How my Nerdy Gamer Past Affects my BJJ Training 20+ years later

One of my guilty pleasures is listening to game designers talk about how they create video games. As a kid I was a big gamer, building computers and all that stuff. Long before it was a cool thing to do. I also find it fascinating from a business perspective of how you create something that keeps people coming back for a long period of time.

And for this video I share some ideas about a video game designers’ creative habits and how they could be implemented in a similar fashion for our BJJ training.

Thanks for watching!



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Story of 2 College Wrestlers in my Gym (Why Only 1 Got His Blue Belt in BJJ)

In today’s video I share some ideas on how I do belt promotions at my BJJ gym. To illustrate the answer for the person asking the question I share a story about 2 college wrestlers who trained at my gym. 1 got his Blue Belt while the other didn’t. There’s a lot of factors that led to this. But 1 in particular was the reason for withholding the promotion from 1 and then giving it to the other.

Keep in mind, at the time, both people were able to hang with a Black Belt in top positions.

Hope the idea is useful to you.

Chat with you next time.



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My Best BJJ Students Share This Attitude Towards Belt Promotions

In today’s BJJ Q&A video I share a quality that all of my best BJJ students share. I’m doing this in response to a question I received from a White Belt who’s been training for BJJ and is ready to quit because he’s not getting promoted.

Now obviously, this isn’t a great mindset. So I share some useful ideas for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. I share one of the most powerful lessons I’ve gained from BJJ training and trait that many of my best students share.

Hopefully this helps you if you’re in a similar situation.



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How To Add Smashing Top Pressure & Maximize Your Bodyweight in BJJ

Adding more top pressure in BJJ is something everyone wants to do, right? So, in this video I’m going to show a simple way to do it. When I watch some of my less experienced Brazilian Jiu-jitsu students in top positions, I notice they sometimes don’t maximize their bodyweight. Meaning, they have a lot of weight pressed into the mat and not the person their rolling with. And in some cases their weight isn’t placed in the most ideal spot to restrict the breathing of their opponent.

So, in this video I’ll share some details with you on how to make the most of your bodyweight and add some crushing top pressure in positions like mount and side control. The tip is ultra-simple, but when applied is super-effective.

This tip is also coming about because I’m in the process of changing up my game a bit to be a bit more slower and tighter. As a fella who’s getting closer to 40 I’m realizing I’ve gotta slow my game down just a hair to be more competitive with younger guys instead of getting into all out scrambles and being movement focused like I used to be.

Hope the idea helps ya!


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Stop Trying to Remember Techniques as a BJJ White Belt

Ever struggle with remembering Brazilian Jiu-jitsu techniques? If you’re like most of us, then I’m sure you have. Especially early on. And this is the main topic for today’s question that comes from Sarah who’s a White Belt and can’t seem to remember all the techniques from her BJJ Classes.

So, in the video I share some ideas on why not being able to retain each technique you learn is normal and why it’s not even necessary for being good at BJJ. Sure, overtime you’ll remember more and more of them. But it’s not like forgetting a couple of techniques you don’t use will break your ability to be a good BJJ practitioner. In particular I share a story from my high school wrestling days that illustrates why, and why I never got too worried when I didn’t remember each technique when I was coming up.

Hope the video is useful to you!



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Is This Blue Belt Hobbyist a “Rest Roll” for a Purple Belt Competitor?

In today’s video I answer a question from a BJJ Blue Belt named Clint about whether or not he’s become the rest roll in his gym for some of the other students who are more focused on competitors. He says that 1 tough purple belt in particular seems to want to roll with him regularly and kind of comes after him.

So in this video I share some ideas on the “rest rolls” but I also chat about something that I see happen in my gym when a student improves. Often as a student’s BJJ gets better the higher belts will roll a little harder with them out of respect for their game.

Now, keep in mind all of these perspectives come from my experience and everyone is different. Either way, I hope this helps Clint.

And if you had a similar question, I hope it helps you as well.



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White Belt Wrestler is Breaking The Spirits of Blue Belts in his BJJ Gym

In today’s Q&A I answer a question from a White Belt with a strong wrestling base who is breaking the spirits of some of the higher belts in his gym.

He says he’s been training for over a year (mostly no gi) and came into BJJ with a strong wrestling background. During rolling he says he’s able to give many of the higher belts fits and, in some cases, beat some of them.

Well, he noticed that after beating some of the higher belts they seemed discouraged.

So his question is, should he keep doing what he’s doing or take it easy on them?

In the video I’ll address this question and lay out why taking it easy on them would not be a good idea.


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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.

Hunt Submission in BJJ Like a Big Cat in The Wild

In BJJ everyone wants to be more offensive and hit more submissions. It’s fun! In Brazilian Jiu-jitsu nothing feels quite as good as a well-timed submission. And so today’s question comes from a White Belt who said he’s defense is good but wants to turn up the offense now.

So in this video I’ll share 2 things. #1 I’ll share something that will destroy your ability to be offensive on the mats against similarly skilled opponents. #2 is a simple idea to eliminate this problem and how to become laser focused on your offensive techniques and submissions.

Now, I won’t lie to you. The idea is super simple. But it’s effective. It’s something I still do to this day. And when I think of all my best students and friends in grappling, they do the same thing.

So anyways. . . Hope the video gives you some useful ideas to assist you with your training.



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Finish More Subs in Front Headlock with This 3 Choke Attack Sequence

In today’s technique video I’ll teach you 3 brutal chokes from the front headlock position in BJJ. I say brutal because they’re tough chokes. For instance, a rear naked choke in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a pretty smooth choke when done with good depth, all things considered.

But in the case of a Darce, Anaconda and the Arm-in Guillotine. . . there’s are a lot of “suck” to them. The Darce in particular hurts even when it’s done perfectly.

What’s cool about this video is the tecnique is shown as a sequence where if 1 fails you just move to another. This is a quality you’d like to have for pretty much any position you try to get especially skilled with in BJJ. So hopefully the video will give you some useful ideas on how to make this happen.

Anyways, hope the technique video gives you some useful ideas for your training. Happy submission hunting my friends.



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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I, Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.