3 BJJ Pre Comp Rituals

Pre BJJ Match Rituals

(This BJJ Pre Comp Rituals Question comes from IG)

I definitely don’t just show up and start competing.I’m too anxious and up in my head prior to a big competition.

So I have to zone in and focus to bring out the best in my performance. And I have a few rituals prior to competition that seem to do the trick for me.

They’re stupid simple but they work.

Here are my handful of rituals. 

I get Away from Everyone! 

It may seem strange but I need my space before matches. But one of my pre comp rituals is to find a corner or back room somewhere to warmup in so that I’m not bothered by anyone. I want to be alone in my thoughts as I prepare for battle.


I Visualize the Opening of the BJJ Match.

Like a chess game where the opening represents your 1st pieces moved.
In a BJJ match “the opening” is your 1st techniques executed.

The opening is 1 of the most important parts of the match! It’s what sets the tempo, draws first blood and secures control for a competitor.

So I visualize myself and see the techniques I’m hitting over and over again. And since a match starts on the feet. It’s either going to be a Takedown or an aggressive Guard Pull I can use with a sweep.

All the techniques I visualize to start my matches off right are in my Wrestling for BJJ system.

Wrestling for BJJ

Side rant. . .

if you’re going to compete. You need a plan of action for the standing position. It may not be your favorite position. Standing techniques might even scare you!

But you NEED them. They’re a MUST. Matches start on the feet, not the ground.

Talk to your coach and set up some techniques or check out the series I listed above.

Sorry for the rant, back to your regularly blog programming. . .


Pre BJJ Comp Ritual Mantra

“No Hesitation” is my mantra. And if you get close enough to me prior to a match you’ll hear me whispering it to myself over and over again.This came about because when I was younger I was insecure. I identified only with winning or losing and I’d get scared to lose and in my own head.


I wouldn’t pull the trigger. I lost matches I could have won. And I won matches that were simple terrible displays of my skills.I had to come to grips with my own bullshit.


Winning and losing are 2 sides of the coin. My luck will ultimately land on both at some point. I can’t always control that.


But what I can control, is the way in which I move towards that fate.So I made a demand to myself. If I’m going to win I want to be full throttle chasing the submission. If I lose, I want to go guns blazing.


Those are a few of my pre match rituals? Do you have any that get you centered and ready for the match?

Talk to you guys next time!


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