Chewjitsu gi pre order

White and Black Chewjitsu Gis Available (Pre Order)

You know when we did the 1st Chewjitsu Gi Pre Order last year.  


I was amazed. We were forced to close the site down a bit early and we ended up taking 100 gi orders from over 17 different countries. 


It was crazy! 


I loved seeing the pictures that flooded my IG and FB feeds of people sporting their gis during training. 


And the best part were some of the stories of you rolling in your gis for the first time. 


. . .Or if you were like Sara who was dealing with a new found illness, if lifted your spirits. 


I even had 2 guys come to a seminar of mine. They both came in sporting their grey Chewjitsu gis.


They didn’t know each other or anything. But they instantly started chatting and hanging out. 


That’s why this is more than a Gi. It’s about our big community. It’s not just a random brand. It’s us. 


There was a problem though! The grey gis aren’t always competition or gym friendly. So this time we are doing White and Black! Also going to include some extra goodies to go with the gis.


A few special surprises for everyone who Pre Orders as part of this batch. 


Anyways, I again, I cannot express how much I appreciate the support and positive vibes you guys send my way. I hope that you love your new Chewjitsu gi. 


If you read the email earlier this morning I said I would send you the link around 8pm EST. 


Well. . . I lied. I’m sending the link an hour early!! 


Pre Order your Custom Black or White Chewjitsu Gi today!


Here’s the link!

Talk to guys next time! 


P.S If you have any questions or issues ordering let me know. I’m using Shopify this time to make the process smoother and easier for faster shipping!