This BJJ world champ almost quit completely

Sometimes I’ll jokingly ask my students, “Raise your hand if you want to be mediocre at this stuff?”


And you know what? Not a single person raises their hand. Because we are in western society. Individualism! Shoot for the stars and land somewhere along the way, right?


I both love it and hate it . . . more love it though.


Anyways, 2 days ago Eugene and I had a conversation with Tim Spriggs on the podcast. If you aren’t familiar with him he recently won the No Gi Worlds and if that wasn’t enough. . . he submitted yours truly in the semi finals of the ADCC Trials.


During our podcast chat he talked about almost quitting BJJ back last year then rallying back to a World Title and he even shared how he got into BJJ because he was getting bullied.


Which is fun listening and inspiring in itself.


But if you’re like Ole Chewy, you’re listening to podcasts to get little takeaways for yourself. And there were several. But there was BIG one in this podcast.


When he began training at Lloyd Irvin’s gym (love him or hate him, he’s turned out some really good grapplers) he said it took his game to the next level.


And the biggest physical training difference was the drilling. 


For people looking to develop their own system of BJJ. This is how you do it! You drill till the technique sinks in and becomes almost automatic.


You’ll literally start doing the techniques in your sleep! No kidding, this happened once when I was practicing a collar choke. My girlfriend filmed me motioning the collar choke while sleeping.


It’s also how I became a good Half Guard player back in the day when my bottom game was garbage. I drilled it constantly, taught it to others and tried it during training.


And that’s where my Half Guard Sweeper Series came from. Years of blood sweat and effort.

So, if you have a trash bottom game like I did, you can change that by clicking below!

So go check out the podcast on Itunes, Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts. I hope you enjoy the talk!

-Chewy –

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