Why You Should Do a Seminar as a New BJJ White Belt

When is it too early in your training for BJJ seminars? This is the question for today. Our friend has a chance to go to a Roger Gracie seminar and he’s wondering whether or not he should do it because he hasn’t been doing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for very long.

In this video I discuss the idea of doing seminars even if it’s very early in your BJJ training. One big example I share is from my own training.

Where as a newer White Belt I went to a seminar with techniques that were way over my head.

But after it was all said and done. Many of the BJJ techniques and ideas taught at the seminar made their way into my Brazilian Jiujitsu game. One of which was Butterfly Guard (which I still use today).

And maybe that doesn’t sound like such a big deal. But back in 2003. Butterfly Guard was some of the newer cutting edge stuff in BJJ.

If you’re thinking about doing a seminar, watch the video and I hope it encourages you to do the seminar regardless of your training time.


-Chewy –

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