Chewjitsu gi pre order

White and Black Chewjitsu Gis Available (Pre Order)

You know when we did the 1st Chewjitsu Gi Pre Order last year.  


I was amazed. We were forced to close the site down a bit early and we ended up taking 100 gi orders from over 17 different countries. 


It was crazy! 


I loved seeing the pictures that flooded my IG and FB feeds of people sporting their gis during training. 


And the best part were some of the stories of you rolling in your gis for the first time. 


. . .Or if you were like Sara who was dealing with a new found illness, if lifted your spirits. 


I even had 2 guys come to a seminar of mine. They both came in sporting their grey Chewjitsu gis.


They didn’t know each other or anything. But they instantly started chatting and hanging out. 


That’s why this is more than a Gi. It’s about our big community. It’s not just a random brand. It’s us. 


There was a problem though! The grey gis aren’t always competition or gym friendly. So this time we are doing White and Black! Also going to include some extra goodies to go with the gis.


A few special surprises for everyone who Pre Orders as part of this batch. 


Anyways, I again, I cannot express how much I appreciate the support and positive vibes you guys send my way. I hope that you love your new Chewjitsu gi. 


If you read the email earlier this morning I said I would send you the link around 8pm EST. 


Well. . . I lied. I’m sending the link an hour early!! 


Pre Order your Custom Black or White Chewjitsu Gi today!


Here’s the link!

Talk to guys next time! 


P.S If you have any questions or issues ordering let me know. I’m using Shopify this time to make the process smoother and easier for faster shipping! 



neck crank in bjj

My Black Belt Opinion on Neck Cranks in BJJ Training

How do you tell your partner it was a Neck Crank during BJJ training and not a Choke without seeming whiny or upset?

Well technically I believe what we do is actually a strangle. As the definition of strangle is . . .
“squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death.”

But we’ll use choke to keep it simple for this BJJ video. 🙂

How to Bring Up Neck Crank Vs Choke

In this video I got asked how to bring up the somewhat taboo topic of letting your partner know that their choke was in fact a crank.

A lot of times people in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu dislike the neck crank and consider it a dick move. Primarily because it often just hurts and creates injury. Whereas a clean choke actually puts someone to sleep with typically no injury.

For some of you younger grapplers. Neck cranks may not seem like a big deal. But they can potentially damage the cervical spine and keep you off the mats for a while if not forever in some cases.

But as I talk about in the video. The neck crank is a legit submission and should be respected as such. And in gym training it may be a smart idea to tap to them to avoid risk of injury to your neck.

But that said, I think many of us would like to and probably should aim to secure that clean choke which puts someone to sleep rather than causing them to walk around stiff as a board for a week.

And in that case I believe it’s important for BJJ practitioners to communicate with their training partners. Sometimes during the submissions themselves. Help each other out so that you can make one another better.

In this video I discuss how to bring up the subject of whether or not it’s a choke or crank without coming across as a sore loser.

Hope the video helps!
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BJJ Training

The Battle Between The 2 Wolves Inside You

I recently read a short story that told of a an old Native American speaking to his grandson about the battle that goes on inside people.

He said, “My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside each and everyone of us. One is Good and one is Evil.”

After hearing this the grandson asked, “Which wolf wins?”

The old Native American replied, “The one you feed.”


That’s such a simple and powerful story. The energy you put out in the world is what you’ll get in return. Negativity begets negativity. Positivity begets positivity.

It’s the reason why miserable people never seem to change. Because they are the ones causing it! They’re feeding the wrong wolf.

Or maybe it’s the right wolf for them. I mean some people seem to enjoy being miserable and projecting it onto others.

I bet you know someone like that right?

The Wolves of Our BJJ Training

BJJ Grip Fighting

And our training is no different. What we put in is what we get out.

Just like the wolves of good and evil.

Only these wolves represent our techniques and positions. Think of it as the wolves of Guard, Passing, Armbars etc. And the wolf that becomes the biggest and strongest is the one you feed.

And if I can make a feeding recommendation.

If you haven’t already. Check out my BJJ Grip Fighting video course.

Get a Grip – BJJ Grip Fighting System

Grip Fighting techniques is a “wolf” in your BJJ game that transcend positions. Good Grip Fighting gives you an advantage everywhere in BJJ.

They’re simple techniques. But I use them and I have testimonials from Black Belts describing the impact they had on their game. So I hope they’re useful for you too!

Talk soon!

P.S We’ll be working on our Half Guard Wolf soon *hint hint*

And if you’re not already, Subscribe to my email newsletter. I’ll send you 2 Free BJJ Ebooks and regular emails from me with stories, and stuff I don’t share on the Chewjitsu Youtube channel. 

chubby kid becomes black belt

Unconfident Kid with a Stutter becomes a MMA Fighter and Black Belt

How does someone go from being an unconfident kid with a stutter to becoming an MMA fighter and Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu who’s competed at a professional level?

At some point you’ll have to have some serious self confidence to accomplish these things right?

Today’s question from Selena is about self confidence. It pertains to her training BJJ for the 1st time. But she lacks confidence overall and would like to change that.

In this video I come from the perspective of someone who had no confidence when they were younger.

Self Confidence is Like a Muscle

If you’ve watched my videos then you know that in high school I lacked confidence. It wasn’t until I continually trained in Wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu that I pulled myself out of it.

And I talk about the process and how you’re not necessarily born with self confidence. But instead you build it up like a muscle.

I share my experience of this as I went from an overweight high schooler who couldn’t even talk to people to becoming a professional MMA fighter who talks to thousands of people through a camera.

The biggest idea I try to share in this video is that self confidence doesn’t mean you aren’t nervous or that you don’t have fears. You’re going to have them!

Confidence in yourself, whether BJJ or otherwise, is having those anxieties and fears but knowing that you can take care of it, that you can deal with it and overcome it. You got this.

So if you someone struggling with confidence in yourself. Whether to start your 1st BJJ class or something else. Understand that it’s more of a process of becoming more confident rather than lacking some innate quality.

I hope the video is helpful!

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BJJ Schools Training

Are BJJ Schools are Doing it Wrong ? (Ben Askren Comments)

Are BJJ schools are doing it wrong ? Recently I received this question on Youtube from one of the viewers regarding an interview from the Joe Rogan podcast where Ben Askren commented about how BJJ gyms are not training in the most effective way possible.

Here is the snippet from the Joe Rogan Podcast with Ben Askren

Here’s the full length interview

Lack of Deliberate Training in BJJ Gyms

During the interview he criticized Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training and BJJ schools where very little focused was placed on deliberate training or situational rolling.

Instead Bjj classes often start with just a few slowly practiced techniques. Followed up with rolling from whatever position. And in many cases the practitioners in the class never get a chance to even use the techniques that they were working on.

The 2nd question was about the necessity of BJJ Belts. Is our belt ranking system necessary?

BJJ Schools Training and Necessity of BJJ Belts

In this video I answer both questions based on my experiences and touch on how I think a lot of gyms don’t practice as best as they could. Meaning, the implementation of various forms of rolling to get more experience from positions or with techniques that are being practiced.

Now it doesn’t make it wrong or right! It’s just different. I also touch on why I think full open rolling is both useful and necessary for practitioners who are doing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for fun.

I also go over my thoughts on Brazilian Jiujitsu belts and the motivation that comes from them.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the video!
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Short Legs in BJJ Full Guard Position

Powerful Full Guard Option that Actually Works for Short Legs in BJJ

Having short legs in BJJ and trying to play Full Guard can be tough. But there are some options that work really well for this body type. 1 of which I’ll share with you in this post.


I recently got a question from the Chewjitsu YouTube community page about playing a High Full Guard position with short legs. (If you don’t already, check there from time to time as I make posts or ask for input from the viewers)


The person asking the question is struggling playing off their back in because of their short legs in BJJ problem.


I can relate! Because while I’m not short. I don’t have long legs. My torso is a bit longer and my legs are a little shorter. I also don’t have the most flexible hips that can wing around the persons body super quickly.


This is actually favorable in some positions in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. But off your back in a Full Guard position. It’s not optimal.


So in this video I share a position I call Diamond Guard with our friend as an option. It’s a position that actually works really well with short legs. And in some cases favors shorter legs because there is less space in the lock as you’ll see.

Diamond Guard Position for Short Legs in BJJ

This position was super useful in my own Brazilian Jiujitsu training and it’s been helpful to many of my students. Short legs and long legs alike.

It kind of gives you a check point. So that if you don’t have super long legs or quick flexible hips. You can still be offensive and attack with submissions and sweeps from your full guard in bjj.

I hope this video is helpful, thanks for watching!
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Powerlifting and BJJ

BJJ Made My Lifts Weaker (Balancing BJJ and Powerlifting)

It can be hard to balance weight training and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I know that for me, I struggled with it at a point in my life where I was doing Powerlifting and Strongman. I continued getting bigger and stronger and was chasing numbers in the weight room.

As I added extra bulk. My strength in the weight room increased. But my performance on the mats dropped significantly.

Then when I started focusing on BJJ more again, the weights in the gym went down. This was incredibly frustrating for me. Because as a competitive guy. I wanted it all! I wanted to be the biggest stronger person I could be plus be a bad ass on the mat.

And the only thing I was reward for my efforts was injuries and mediocre performance in both.

Balancing BJJ and Powerlifting

And in this video I talk about this in the hopes to assist our friend Peter who is a Powerlifter getting into Brazilian Jiujitsu.

He says that since training Jiujitsu he’s noticed that his lifts have dropped in their overall poundage. And if you’ve ever been involved in Powerlifting which places a hefty focus on pushing heavier and heavier weight. . . this isn’t the ideal situation.

His question he sent to me is two fold. . .

1. How do you balance BJJ training with Powerlifting?

2. Should he readjust his expectations for training?

I try to give some help to Peter from the perspective of someone who’s been much heavier and much stronger, who ultimately let go of that heavy weight to focus on BJJ more.

I also touch on the current program I follow for lifting in order to support my BJJ training. And hint around about some upcoming videos.

Let me also add this part in. You can still become very strong while training BJJ. No doubt about it. But you will not be an elite level lifter while you’re trying to be the best you can be on the mat. I go into this idea a bit more in the video.

Anyways, if you’re someone who’s really big into lifting who’s also pursuing BJJ. I hope this video is useful for you and your training on the mat and in the weight room.

Thanks for watching!


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bjj belt promotion

I Can’t Accept my BJJ Belt Promotion (I’m Not Ready)

I Can’t Accept my BJJ Purple Belt Promotion (I’m Not Ready)

What do you do when you feel like you’re not ready for your BJJ promotion? When you feel like you’re just not good enough to uphold the rank properly.
This is the question I got from Matt who is a 50 year old Blue Belt and was recently informed that he would be up for his next BJJ belt promotion to Purple Belt.
Now, in most cases this would be a good thing. But as soon as Matt was informed about his potential promotion. He instantly began to have feelings of anxiety and doubt in himself and his abilities.
He says that he’s in pretty good shape. But being 50 years old is tough in BJJ. And he struggles rolling with the younger, stronger practitioners even if they’re less experienced. I’ll tell you from experience, this is even tough for me. I’m 33, not old by any means and I struggle with younger Black Belts. Even if I’m technically better. Youthful recovery and energy definitely plays a role!

In BJJ, And Everything, You’re Your Worst Critic



In this video I go through and share the idea of imposter syndrome. Where we feel like we’re faking it or that we aren’t good enough. I also share how at every single belt including my BJJ purple belt promotion I was promoted to I had the same feelings of inadequacy in relation to my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu abilities.
Jordan Peterson talks about this in his recent book that we are tyrants to ourselves. Someone else could make the same mistake as us. But since we made it, we’ve very hard and judgmental.
Nothing wrong with pushing yourself to be better. But at the same time there has to be a limit.

If you’re struggling with being your own worst critic or a downright awful person to yourself. Whether this is related to BJJ belt promotion. Then I hope the video helps!

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Chewy getting choked

Frustrated Higher Belts Are Upset with This Tough BJJ Blue Belt

Frustrated Higher Belts Are Upset with This Tough BJJ Blue Belt

Being a BJJ Blue Belt who can submit Purples , Browns and higher belts in the gym and competitions is a great thing right? Yes but it does come with some potential issues.


Recently I got a message from a young Blue Belt who is struggling when he visits other BJJ gyms while traveling. This is because when he goes to other Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gyms he’s able to submit or outmaneuver many of the higher belts on the mat. Especially when in No Gi.


Again, this should be a good thing. But he finds that many of the people inside these gyms take offense to it. They will get angry at him for beating them. He’s tried playing catch and release, but they still get angry. In the worst case, he had a choke on someone and they didn’t tap. He felt terrible after he was forced to wake the person up after they went unconscious.


Now, this isn’t right, and people shouldn’t take it so harshly. But it is what it is. People say “Leave the Ego at the door” in BJJ all the time. But it’s not that easy. Everyone has an ego. It’s not about eliminating the ego but integrating into your life and not being overtaken by it.


So, when dealing with people’s egos and the pecking order of their BJJ gym. People have a tendency to get up in arms and upset at times.


I used to have a destructive controlling ego myself in my younger days. I’m better about this now. But I was guilty of this kind of stuff at one time in my life. So we can choose to point the finger if we want. But I don’t find that very helpful.

Get to Know Your New BJJ Training Partners

So, in this video, instead of condemning the people that our friend is rolling with. I try to give him some practical advice about feeling out the people he’s rolling with, before he kicks up the intensity. This is in the hopes of getting to know each other a little bit on the mats before he opens up. This way he doesn’t bruise egos and so people can become a bit more comfortable with him.


I share this by touching on two separate situations. 1 was with my poor mindset as a young BJJ Blue Belt. The second was how I approach going to gyms when I visit now.


Hopefully if you ever get into a situation like this in your own Brazilian Jiujitsu training this video will be helpful to you.

Thanks for watching!

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BJJ grip fighting

Don’t Ignore or Overlook Grip Fighting in BJJ

Want to stop your opponent’s techniques before they start? Want to disrupt what your opponent is able to do before it even begins. 

We all do right?

Well here’s what I’ve figured out.

By dominating grips, you do just this! 

Identify Their Primary Grip

Before a match if I am able to watch video of an opponent. I might see that they like to play a Half Guard game. Half Guard has a few particular grips necessary for effective action.

So when I go into the match. I focus less on how to stop their techniques and how to prevent their grips. Grips are the prerequisite for the technique. 

In the gym when rolling with someone knew. I often play a game where I break grips and then let go so they can re grip. Then I look for the pattern. I follow their hands and see which grips they continually go for over and over again.

This let’s me know what they are up to. 

After I identify the grip they are really going for. I attempt to take it away from them. And this forces them to take a new plan of action.

Good Black Belts Do This

I’m sharing this message with you guys because this past weekend we had Kristian Woodmansee in our gym doing a seminar. And during his seminar he showed some beautiful adjustments, passing and great grip breaks.

What I really enjoyed about it was the methodology and process of his game. It’s a brutally effective process good Black belts have. The process is simple but not easy. . .

Take Your Opponent’s Grips Away -> Get What You Want -> Force Them to Play Where You Want

And I always like to reiterate this message to people. Because grip fighting goes often overlooked early on. I know I did for years (as I talk about in this previous post). Grip fighting looks simple, it’s not sexy, but it’s brutally effective and efficient.

More BJJ Grip Fighting Videos Coming!

Currently I’m finishing up an additional add on series for my BJJ Grip Fighting series. 

Currently the series is mostly focused on BJJ grip fighting from the feet. With a little from the ground. Simple, easy to use techniques and adjustments. The new add ons will be focused on the ground and dominating grips once it hits the floor.

You can check out the BJJ Grip Fighting series (Click here)

If you’ve already got the series. I’ll let you know when the new videos are up!

And regardless of whether or not you want the series.


Here’s a little BJJ grip fighting takeaway for your training today! 

  • When you roll with your training partners. Identify their main grip. Maybe it’s a cross collar, maybe it’s a under hook, a lapel. . . whatever.
  • Then focus your energy on controlling that grip and don’t let them have it.
  • Make your whole focus on stopping that grip! And just see what happens. See how it forces them out of their normal game.

If you don’t do this already. They might even mention something to you about it after the roll.

Talk soon!


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